
Apetite Former Ambasador Restaurant in Warsaw | 2019 A P P E T I T E 100g calf tongue, trimmed and boiled100g calf sweetbread, boiled100g calf head cheese, boneless, boiled150g white veal stuffingchopped parsley, salt and pepper to garnish Dice the tongues, sweetbread and cheese finely, mix with other ingredients and stuff into a sausage…

Poland of Our Dreams

Poland of Our Dreams Warsaw | 2019 We dream about Poland where nothing is impossible to accomplish. Where everyone will finally be able to always think and say that WE CAN. And we firmly believe that such Poland will come. Poland, and Polish people deserve more. Their dreams can come true; They MUST come true….

Beautiful Loosers

Beautiful Losers Kraków | 2020 What about us with asthma? What about us who failures? What about us who can’t shit properly? What about us who have no orgies and excessive fucking to become detached about? What about us who are broken when our friends fuck our wives? What about us such as me? What…

Sen we śnie

A Dream Within a Dream Warsaw | 2020 site-specific group exhibition in the garden open weekend: 23-24 May 2023   artists: Marceli Adamczyk, Jan Eustachy Wolski, Marta Niedbał, Aleksandra Liput, Øleg&Kaśka, Karolina Jarzębak curators: Dzidy (Michalina Sablik i Aleksandra Liput) photographer: Bartosz Górka     Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from…

Czysty Kryształ

Pure Crystal Galeria Promocyjna | 2022 The story of the lost Atlantis is present in numerous cultural texts. It served Plato as a parable of a state in moral decline and warning for Athens. Similar stories are evoked by online shamans today who compare the Atlantis culture to our own. Their highly developed society derives…

Skin Deep

Skin Deep CUAT Sadka | 2023 I know that you have a fragile heart. I promise to touch it carefully. I promise that my hands will be warm, he whispered tenderly but confidently. Then he added: Please, don’t be afraid of loneliness. Let the world hold you strongly and affectionately. You can sleep in peace…